Mision Chile Concepcion Sur

Mision Chile Concepcion Sur
Called to Serve

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ya avancemos

This week has been very good as well as a little hard. So first with the good. We were able to get a lot of stuff done in our sector this week and if all goes well and according to plan I will be able to work even more in the area. A little bit of a funny story is that I had to take some of the mission vehicles to get inspections done and right after we got it back from the inspection we got a flat tire. So I have now had the wonderful opportunity of changing a flat tire on my mission! Also if you didn´t quite catch I GET TO DRIVE. It is really scary and stressful driving in south America however the average speed is lower that in the states so that helps a fair bit. 

However the sad part of this week is that the mission president went to the states for health concerns and we recently found out that he has cancer. If you would be so kind as to include President Bluth in your prayers I would be grateful.

Anyway we move forward and onward. 

Love you all
Elder Miller
 PS We got Mexican lolipops  

 Nuestro Presidente de Misión esta ahora en Salt Lake City recibiendo
atención medica. Aun no sabemos lo que tiene pero queremos hacer algo
para animarle a el y a su familia. Queremos hacer una cadena de
oracion por el pero queremos hacerlo internacional con la ayuda de
todos ustedes. La idea consiste de lo siguiente;
Mientras le escriban a su familia, comentenle lo sucedido y pídanles
que oren por la salud del Presidente Bluth. Tambien pidanles que
envien un cartel que diaga lo siguiente; "En _________ oramos por
usted" (En el espacio blanco pongan el pais donde estan sus familias)
Tambien pudeden agragar mas comentarios si quieren.
Envien las fotos a la oficina y haremos un video con todas las fotos
de las familias de los misioneros . Nececitamos la mayor ayuda
posible. Si tiene mas ideas no dude en escribirnos o llamarnos.

Yeah my mission president has cancer.

Please send letters, and pictures to Chile Concepcion South Mission
Castellon 1063, Oficina Sur
Casilla 3580, Concepcion


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